The two little letters that make ALL the difference
Hands up who wants to reboot (or even start!) a mailing list in the middle of a global pandemic? Who wants to email their list at all right now? I mean, it is just so crass. Well, the answer is, you. Especially if you have kinda let your list fall by the wayside, or never quite managed to make it into their inboxes in the first place.

Be kind. Write in secret. And start your blog.
Picture the scene… I’m lying in bed, it’s dark, the baby is nursing, so I’m going through some Workflowy* notes on my phone (because #productivity). So there I am, in the dark, and I think to myself, hold up – I planned out a BOAT load of...
Help! My brain has too many tabs open!
Hands up if you’ve ever caught yourself flitting around your browser, compulsively clicking from one tab to the next in a desperate bid to maximise your productivity by getting on with the next thing while that first thing loads, or processes, or whatever it is...
3 Lessons from a nine-year-old on School Strike
I never share photos of my kids. It’s a policy decision Mr and I made before No 1 came along. But a while ago we made a special case. It was half term, so we were down by parliament and heard, rather than saw, the Climate Strike protest. “Woooooooo!”...